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joblesshobo • 1 year ago

I hope the driver will get his license suspended for life.

Rannen 19 • 1 year ago

Actually it was Truckun to blame. Truckun awakened mob's other self in the isekai world.

God Kamen • 1 year ago

Now that you've mentioned it, Mob at ??? state always reminds of the Doppelganger in .hackGU and the armor you get after defeating it is "Other Self". Coincidence? Maybe

_dimmed_ • 1 year ago

Truck-kun is just too hard to control.

....... (ง˙o˙)ว • 1 year ago

He's at least earned himself a ticket for "Yawning While Driving!" 🤨

He did try to cover his mouth though, so... 🥱

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

I think he ded already :o

Nemesis Claus • 1 year ago

and you got Mob' 100 votes

Mengekyo Syaringan • 1 year ago

Up 👆🏻

Da_ Strongest • 1 year ago

Why y'all getting angry at Car-kun ?? I thought accidents are normal in anime🤔, yk... Get hit and your isekai world opens n allat. That kid could have a MC of some other anime😂lol jk.

LabanBes • 1 year ago

Im not defending the driver I'm just sharing what I know, moving/delivery truck drivers in japan are modern slaves some companies dont even ask for fees from clients and basically do jobs for practically free while the drivers work insane schedules with tiny a$$ salaries, they most of the time die on the job
But that is that, and nearly killing someone is another, their company should be in prison too, and the government should feel guilty for all of that haha but seriously though, I forgot what terminology but they basically didnt regulate delivery/moving jobs so it became like this

Guest • 1 year ago
bernd3 • 1 year ago

Wait a moment...
Dimple is still a thing? :O

World of Bagged • 1 year ago


Nox-Aeterna • 1 year ago

Yeah, wtf

God Kamen • 1 year ago

Is this the last arc? Haven't read the manga, glad dimple is ok though

Guest • 1 year ago
Shadow • 1 year ago

Bro that driver was driving while half asleep

Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

Exactly, so he deserves a manslaughter charge. Driving while half asleep is absurdly irresponsible

....... (ง˙o˙)ว • 1 year ago

Yawning With Criminal Intent!🤨

Devils Bounty Hunter • 1 year ago

I agree, but...unless you've worked under those conditions where a driver will fall asleep on the wheel, regardless of circumstances or situation, you have no right to complain. Work under the immoral conditions that those workers have to endure and then, only then, do you have the right to complain. "The fodder" are just as human as you and I, and we make mistakes, so be compassionate, instead of being an instigator!

Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

"Your honour, I may have killed that child but in my defence I work long hours"

Devils Bounty Hunter • 1 year ago

Perfect example of keyboard warrior taking the role of justice based on limited knowledge he/she possess. Didn't think plebs participated in this serious conversation...unless they get a big compensation...which you clearly lack, since you tried to belittle me over such a silly thing. But, then again, you're no lawyer and your response is inane ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Darius • 1 year ago

Yeah no, I do 14 hour shifts on the ground as a police officer logging around equipment in stressful situations all the time. I've done warehouse jobs in the past which include lugging around 30kg sacks all shift. I've been in situations where I had to manage work and school, not sleeping for 2 days and I also have a drivers' license.

The reasons you give explain why he is in a tired condition, but they are NOT justifications on why he is on the road. It's the responsibility of drivers on the road to measure your condition and acknowledge whether you should be on the road. If you are tired, don't drive, take public transport or a taxi. No job is worth the life of another or worse, multiple lives of others.

To give an analogy - you understand why drunk driving is a crime yeah? Apply the same reasoning

KFA • 1 year ago

In a perfect world your post makes perfect sense but in real world things are not as simple. That guy might have been forced to work long hours (so called black company) or maybe he hadn't adequate driving training done, e.g paper driver and wasn't made aware of risks (yes, people really have to be told everything) or was sick or on meds or depressed... It's exactly for these reasons why insurance costs for new drivers are so high.

Regardless of the fact that this is fictional work or not in real world there is an investigation process that attempts to find out everyone and everything involved, not just the dude who did the actual thing. Also, it's not like the car come out of nowhere, regardless if you are right or not you should watch right and left before crossing anyway.

If you someday hop behind the wheel you'll realize that a lot of people on the road make mistakes but they don't evolve into accidents because other people anticipate their mistakes. It's like these covid masks: Even if someone doesn't wear one it's enough that everyone else does.

Of course here the pedestrian was a child but it's parents' job to teach them these basics. Sure the driver was wrong but had the child actually followed the simple rule of watching before crossing the whole accident wouldn't have happened in the first place. Real world has plethora of these kinds of factors which is why it's too shallow to just pin everything on the driver and call it a day.

Darius • 1 year ago

Doesn't have to be a perfect world, nothing I've said here is idealistic, it's common sense. 1) "If you someday hop behind the wheel" - I have a driving license and do drive (Which I explicitly wrote in the exact comment you are replying to btw) and work long shifts under stress. I know road conditions and have seen friends and family get into RTAs (Road Traffic Accidents) and know people that have lost their lives. It is BECAUSE I have this knowledge and experience that I can say drivers have to be responsible with their privilege.

2) " in real world there is an investigation process" - When have I denied this? Also, you do realize you are talking to an officer who's on the ground day in day out, right? (Again, explicitly mentioned in my original message) I have never put 100% of the blame on the driver here, the kid had earpieces in and was on a game and paid no attention while crossing the road. Despite that, if I am not wrong, he was crossing on a green light. So, driver here has failed in multiple instances - noticing the traffic light, keeping a reasonable speed to still react and being responsible in acknowledging whether he is in a proper condition to be driving. I can give it to you, driver is not 100% at fault, just more like 98% at fault. (I'm being sarcastic)

3) All the reasons you give for him being tired is unrelated to the conversation. Not sure if you realize it but you are giving nothing more than excuses. They do not justify him being on the road. I already gave you the drunk driving analogy, so let's try another one. Would you let your baby play with knives? The answer is obviously no, because mishandled that knife can do serious damage. The difference between this analogy and the situation is at least with the knife the baby is only a danger to himself, with a car you are a danger to yourself, other drivers and pedestrians. Driver here didn't have a gun to his head nor was forced to drive - he chose to. Being tired is not a justification to risking others' lives.

4) "Real world has plethora of these kinds of factors which is why it's too shallow to just pin everything on the driver and call it a day." Yeah no, in the "real world" he gets charged for Reckless Driving, and his license is revoked.

KFA • 1 year ago

And I'm saying since humans are not robots and we don't live in a perfect word humans can and will make mistakes. Are you always 100% when you drive, you know, had only 5 hours of sleep instead of your 8 and thus decide that you will not drive because you're only at 90%? Your whole argument is resting on a point of view that humans never make mistakes and only morons do. This is not true and precisely why functioning society requires everyone, regardless if they are right or not, to not be braindead zombies. I can't believe you're willing to allow accidents to happen more easily despite your apparent life experiences. But sure, next time you cross at green light please only look at you phone while having earbuds on.

Darius • 1 year ago

Again, you repeat a strawman, where have I said that the kid is in the right for walking with earphones and playing a game? (In fact, I said the exact opposite in the SAME comment you are replying to) or that we need to live in a perfect world? Or that we can't make mistakes? Please, read my comments and quote them as I did you in my second reply, otherwise it just feels like you're wholly unable to engage with anything I'm typing

At this point I don't know how else I can make my point clearer so I'll ask a few questions so I can understand where you stand. In the real world, say Mob wasn't there and the kid was run over, do you think the driver should be charged? I will even give you that in this hypothetical he was working a 16-hour shift because his boss was a cunt.

Hypothetical 2. Let's say there is no kid. But Mr Driver here still runs a red light because he was tired from his shift. Should there be any repercussions legally?

Hypothetical 3. Now I am asking for your personal opinion. If you just got off a 16-hour shift, was feeling tired to the point you could fall asleep on the wheel, will you still drive home knowing public transport is an alternative?

Lastly, the kid is crossing on a green light. Sure, he has earbuds and is playing a game. Does he deserve to get hit by a car for not paying attention?

And as a last point, you mentioned, "you will not drive because you're only at 90%?" My brother, if you're falling asleep at the wheel, you are not at 90%, more like 20%. Which I have 0 issues saying you should not be on the road then.

KFA • 1 year ago

First, I don't care if the driver works long hours, is on meds or whatever. I'm proceeding with the understanding that this was not intentional and that he doesn't run over people on regular basis, or even sleeps on the wheel on regular basis. This was isolated incident. The whole narrative changes if he is regularly doing this.

Yes, the driver should be charged if he hit the kid or if he just ran a red light. In fact, driver probably should be charged even if the light was green for not paying attention on the road. I know that I would have ran over countless kids and drunks by now if I just blindly followed my "rights". This brings us to my point which I've been trying to make this whole time but likely expressed poorly:

Both should be punished. The prime objective is to prevent the accidents from happening in the first place. If the kid survives with mild injuries or no injuries he will do this again and similar thing is bound to happen eventually again, this time being possibly fatal. This is so ridiculously preventable accident too, all you really have to do is to pay attention to your surroundings (here kid, Mob and other people did). Are drivers allowed to blindly go on green light too even if there were people still walking? Does driving over people on green light make it less severe? Just because you're walking and can't really kill anyone by bumping into them doesn't give you a right to not pay attention to your surroundings, especially in traffic.

Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

My brother in christ, you tried to justify vehicular manslaughter by blaming it on a job you imagined someone to be working, I am not the idiot keyboard warrior in this situation

Audrey Grid • 1 year ago

Well they both were characters fabricated for the sake of the episode so you can now calm down.

Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

True, but when someone says something monumentally stupid like this bounty hunter idiot did it doesn't feel right to not take the piss out of them

KyosisPlays • 1 year ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I had fun reading what you said

Dark • 1 year ago


Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

Violently, yes

Anti • 1 year ago

This whole comment thread is fucking hilarious

Nate Higgers • 1 year ago

It's not vehicular manslaughter. No one was killed.

Velma • 1 year ago

I just had to say this but you clearly are describing yourself with your own comment + you really wanted the attention so much that you described his comment inane but you literally replied. You see, being a hypocrite is what you should call yourself; also if you haven't noticed you are the keyboard warrior. Too many words little information

Steven Glikin • 1 year ago

When the keyboard warrior loser starts calling everyone else keyboard warriors lmao
Who let you decide whether someone has the right to complain about a moron who splattered a random kid on the street?

Daniel Zhang • 1 year ago

I hope you're doing your part by not buying anything shipped, because the only reason most first world places are functioning the way they are is because drivers are often so overworked that their health goes to shit. You can talk about what ought to be right, but you're not doing shit about the world's situation. In fact, you're taking part in it by supporting these organizations.

Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

Thanks, I'll think about that the next time I run someone over

Daniel Zhang • 1 year ago

Sure thing. If you can't think of a good response, just say something goofy. 👍

Naomi~ • 1 year ago

this fallacy argument is crazy

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

got to get his employer for making him drive insane hours

Naomi~ • 1 year ago

pull over

go1 • 1 year ago

Half the world's truck drivers do drive like that because greedy corporations would lose cash otherwise,readed and saw many articles about it in 2017 cause i was wondering why isekai truck kun is trending.

guesswho • 1 year ago

lol that kid also kinda asked for it

Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

The walking light was green, so no, he didn't

guesswho • 1 year ago

it's not enough... They even teach grade schoolers to always look at their right and left before crossing a street lol

Sexist Okabe • 1 year ago

Doesn't matter, as far as he was concerned, the road was safe because he had right of way. The dude in the van was the one not paying attention

BLAZEKING • 1 year ago

Yeah and thats on JAPAN where laws ARE VERY STRICT